Meet ‘HUGO’, The SuperPUP in CEO Rahul Ghose’s life


Let me tell you a story, about a King and his beloved prince who has 4 legs and a wet nose. An absolute angel who by God’s grace had found his way to me, or should I put it this way, how I found my way to him. Meet Mr.Hugo Brown.

Hugo was 3 days old when we found him. He and his two sisters were curled up next to his mother, who was a disabled dog in the building. The place was a filthy construction site with rats looming around. We nurtured and kept the three furry babies protected for the next 15 days until they started to walk around and play a little bit on their own. Out of the three munchkins, Hugo was the most distinct and had the coolest walk that I have seen any dog having. He would stomp his front two feet as though announcing to the world that he has arrived. Out of all the three (other two adopted now) little Hugo Brown was my favourite. 

Hugo, has several names, such as “Fuflie,” “Hugu puppy,” “Cooklu,” and “Gumpi,”. He was the most mischievous and the most playful out of the lot. How do I say he is mischievous, let me give you an example: When someone scolds him because he has been naughty: He looks at the ceiling as though he can’t hear you, looks everywhere but at you, acts as though he has lost something and is looking for it.

Rahul Ghose

Hugo loves to play, be it fetch, be it Tug, be it hide-and-seek around my house, he just can’t get enough. Let’s see what Hugo is all about:

Rahul Ghose pet HUGO

Most adorable Characteristic of Hugo: When given a treat that he really likes, he performs a “worship dance” in which he enthusiastically circles and dances around the treat before relishing it. You have to see it to believe it! I have not seen another dog in the entire world do something like this.

What does he love to eat? He also likes “Curdy(curd, but that’s just how we communicate)” and turkey, but separately.

Favourite Vacation destination: Della Resorts in Lonavala

What does he do when he sees another male dog in a restaurant? 

(Thinks in his mind and barks and says – Who the hell asked you to be here? don’t you know I was also coming ? Please ask your parents to eat fast and leave right away), you’ll can visit another day

Biggest quality: Very Very generous with his kisses

What does he not like: He gets annoyed at this particular crow that refuses to fly away when he barks at him through the kitchen window. Oh it is a sight to see! I tend to speculate that there might have had some sort of enmity from a previous birth!

Hugo, now aged 3, is a true ladies’ man due to his charm, and has three girlfriends! However, when they do meet, he acts casual and nonchalant. Oh, would you believe it. My little stud!  I love to take him for long drives in which he sticks his head out the window and let his ears flap in the breeze.
Very few things I long for in the day, like when Hugo greets me when I reach home, jumping up and down in excitement! Once an apartment dog had been mistakenly been locked in a neighbour’s garage, and was rescued thanks to Hugo’s intuition and intelligence!

Rahul Ghose and Hugo

Hugo is my sweetheart. His collar actually reads, “Daddy’s Darling.” We have a ball of a time together travelling places, and frequent Bandra eateries like Tanjore Tiffin Room and Brew Dog. His favourite morning ritual involves bathing in the sun after I wish him, “good morning, Hugu.” He adores falling asleep with me and detests being moved while he’s asleep. You may not believe me, but I know exactly how many hairs he has on his eyebrows! Yes, I am that fond and protective of him.

Hugo lovingly tends to raise his legs for a belly rub now and then. Belly rubs are a must at intervals and they are completely non-negotiable I tell you! He is extremely lovable. But really detests being moved while he is sleeping, or if someone is not giving him enough space. Mr. Hugo also might just qualify for a position in the Guinness Book of World Records due to the appetite that he has! Hugo can eat a whole birthday cake all by himself! He can have 4 dinners too, all at once!

Hugo is my son and literally my baby.  I first look at how he is comfortable and where he doesn’t feel left out and then plan my life around it. To me, Hugo is my world.
If Hugo could read greeting cards, mine would say to him – My heart will always wear the pawprints left by you.”
About Rahul Ghose:

Rahul Ghose –  The Man hell-bent on reducing India’s Investment losses and revolutionising it’s trading landscape

With nearly two decades of deep financial market experience, Rahul Ghose is an Option trading and Hedging savant. He is the Founder and CEO of Octanom Tech, a leading InvesTech firm for retail traders in India, and has spearheaded the development of Hedged, India’s first ‘hedge-style’ investment platform, built to help redefine the investment and trading landscape across the country.

Over his illustrious career, Rahul has played an instrumental role in building sizeable wealth portfolios to the tune of tens of millions of dollars and has successfully led one of India’s largest financial education companies. Formerly the Country Head of MoneyFlix and Vice President of, his tenure in upper management provided invaluable insights into customer pain points and market dynamics. Recognising the prevailing fear of loss among investors, he embarked on an entrepreneurial path to address this challenge. 

Deeply passionate about investment technology and driven by a mission to reduce losses in financial markets, Rahul aims to save $1 billion in investment losses over the next decade. Through Octanom Tech and Hedged, he is committed to equipping investors with the technology, tools, and knowledge needed to navigate market complexities effectively.

Rahul combines his expertise in finance with technological innovation to empower individuals to make informed investment decisions. His dedication to leveraging technology for positive change positions Octanom Tech and Hedged as leaders in the InvesTech space, poised to transform the way people invest and trade in India and beyond. 

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