Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Private Limited Organised Technical Seminar on “Layer Management & Nutrition with   Extra 5% Composite Premix” in Bangladesh

Venkateshwara BV Bio-Corp Pvt Ltd India andNature Care Manufacturing Industry LtdBangladeshorganized Two Technical seminars for commercial Layer Farmers on Wednesday22nd April, 2024 at Dhamrai and Thursday 23rd April 2024 at Mawna Dhaka Bangladesh. This technical seminar was attended by layer farmers of Dhamrai, Mawna and surrounding area. Mr Joyanta Kumar Deb, (Managing Director, Nature Care Manufacturing Industry Ltd) Dr Md. Emranul Haq Mondal Shapon (Consultant Poultry & Dairy Feed Formulation) were Chief Guests of seminar.

Dr Sanjay Deshpande, Venkateshwara BV Bio-Corp Pvt Ltd was spoken for the seminar and explained in detail about the “Commercial Layers Management” in all aspects and Importance of balanced nutrition to improve productivity in commercial layers with optimization of production cost. Venkys 5% Eggxtra Composite Premix provide very easy solution to produce the balanced feed for commercial layers as per the requirement of birds.During his presentation, he advised to be watchful about quality parameters to be considered while selecting the different feed ingredients. The excerpts from his presentation can be summarized as below. 

  • Importance of brooding management as a foundation for preparing better pullets.
  • Importance of body weight monitoring in rearing period and its impact on laying productivity.
  • Benefits of good uniformity for good egg production and consistency as well.
  • Early Laying Nutrition to maximize peak production.
  • Benefits of Phase feeding – to reduce the overall egg production cost and to provide the nutrients as per requirement of the birds age, egg production, egg weight, egg shell quality etc.
  • Importance of Water Management and its impact on gut health.
  • Maintaining the egg shell quality during post peak production period.
  • Proper summer management practices to minimize the heat stress and its impact on egg production and mortality
  • 5% Eggxtra Composite Premix is an innovative Premix helping to produce balanced feed in an easy and simple way. It also helps to avoid the errors occurring during weighing, batching and mixing processes of feed production.
  • 5% Eggxtra Composite Premix is capable of optimizing the cost with highest efficiency at farm level.

Dr Sanjay Deshpande answered the queries of the attendees related to the subject and other technical queries regarding Farm Management and Summer Precautions.

The Technical Seminar was attended by around 50 Layer farmers surrounding the Dhaka Bangladesh area.   

Mr Md Mahbub Alam , Manager,  Nature Care proposed vote of thanks to all. The local Nature Care and Venkys Team, Dr Faiz Khan Rakib, Technical Manager (sales) organised this technical seminar.

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